We strive to make the digital version work 100% accurately according to the rules and designer intention of the physical game. However, there are a limited number of small differences that exist and are intentional, having been discussed and decided between Handelabra Games and designer Eric Reuss.

Blight Cards

  • On the Healthy side they read "2 Blight per Player, plus 1" as per the official errata. Note you should be using this in the physical version, too!
  • They read "per starting board" instead of "per starting player" to account for an extra Island Board.


  • Shroud of Silent Mist's Slow and Silent Death special rule effect occurs before other effects wear off in Time Passes (instead of player choice whether to check before or after).
  • Aspects are directly integrated into Spirit panels with unique artwork, instead of being separate cards.

Island Boards

  • Board G and H from Horizons of Spirit Island are implemented as modular boards, like the rest of the Island Boards. You do not have to play with them in the fixed map as in physical Horizons of Spirit Island.


  • Thieves are Saved only if they would be safe both before and after a Destroy/Remove/Replace instruction (instead of player choice whether to check either before or after every Action).