This sort of thing comes up when there are cards underneath other cards. For example, if Self-Destruct Sequence is in play and you can destroy an environment card, you’ll see the cards underneath it as options. You can tell which cards are under Self-Destruct Sequence because they will have that card tucked behind them.

  • Cards underneath other cards act a little bit strangely.
  • They are considered “in play” unless the card above them says otherwise.
  • They have no title, HP, keywords, or other game text.
  • They still belong to their deck.
The easiest way to think about it is that they are face down, and the only thing you know about them is the deck back. Thus, a card under Self-Destruct Sequence is still an environment card. And a card under Omni-Cannon is still a hero card belonging to Bunker.

Savage Mana is an interesting case because it can have all kinds of cards underneath it. But they still retain their deck back, and are still “in play.” So a card like Omnitron’s Terraforming can still destroy environment cards under Savage Mana! And Freedom Six Tempest can destroy his cards even when they are under La Capitán.

Final note: be careful when destroying cards underneath Self-Destruct Sequence! If you destroy them all, you lose the game immediately. That would be embarrassing.