Villain Cards
Why did Citizen Dawn flip back when she didn’t have enough Citizens in play?
Citizen Dawn herself is a Citizen and counts for that check. So at the start of the villain turn, she will flip back if there are H - 2 othe...
Why didn’t Citizen Dawn flip back when there were enough Citizens in play?
On Advanced, the check is increased to H + 1 Citizens (including Citizen Dawn). Also, she only checks at the start of the villain turn. Some...
A title card went under a villain card when I didn't expect it! It was impossible! What happened?
The short answer is usually that "Bloodsworn Judgement happened." Bloodsworn Judgement reads, in part: "Flip the top card of the title deck ...
There are 20 or more tokens in the Hero Favor Pool, but I didn't win! The Bloodsworn got 20 tokens and I lost, but the Hero Favor Pool had more! Is Kaargra cheating?
Nobody ever said Kaargra Warfang fights fair. When Kaargra Warfang flips and becomes a target with HP, her character card reads: "The Heroes...
I destroyed Omnitron but the game didn’t end! What gives?
On Omnitron’s villain character card it states: “When Omnitron is destroyed, remove Omnitron’s villain character cards from play. The heroes...