The following issues have already been reported and we'll fix them in a future update. There's no need to contact us about them.

Fixes coming soon:

  • Against Tsardom of Russia Level 2+, if Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares uses a Power that would destroy Explorers, it should get to choose whether to get the bonus Fear from Russia.
  • Dream of the Untouched Land can't add a new board in the spot another was Cast Down Into the Briny Deep.
  • Sunset's Fire Flows Across the Land does not interact correctly with Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot and Badlands in certain situations.
  • When Sweden's Escalation and Call to Guard both affect an Explored land, you should get to choose the order in which they occur.
  • If a Fear card causes the last City to be destroyed, generating enough Fear to reach Terror Level III, the game does not end until after the next Fear Card is resolved.
  • In certain situations, the Discard option may not be initially available during a Choice Event.
  • Presence added by Skies Herald the Season of Return does not count as Badlands with Settle into Hunting-Grounds.
  • Sky Stretches to Shore can cause an incorrect interaction with Bargains of Power and Protection.
  • In some situations, Lightning's Swift Strike's Exaltation of the Storm-Wind first threshold does not allow the target spirit to make their slow innate power fast.
  • Melt Earth Into Quicksand does not interact correctly with Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares.
  • New Species Spread (Let the Invasive Species Bloom) may behave incorrectly if you use undo.
  • Multiplayer can get stuck if one player uses Call to Guard's second effect and another player pushes a Russia 2+ Explorer into that land. 
  • Gift of Furious Might does not interact correctly with Explosive Eruption in some situations.
  • Lure of the Deep Wilderness should be able to ignore Russia 3+ Explorers to prevent a land from matching a Ravage Card with the Hard-Working Settlers event.
  • Performing the Ritual of Terror may not cost Energy the second time you do so.
  • If Gradual Corruption causes the Blight Card to flip, using Undo can result in adding too much Blight.
  • If Visions of a Shifting Future is used fast by means of Slip the Flow of Time, undo may not properly allow you to change where the card goes.

Fixed in version 2.5.2, now available:

  • In some situations, certain decisions are being taken automatically when you should have a choice (Brandenburg-Prussia Escalation effect, Rising Interest in the Island event, etc).
  • Volcano Looming High can add Presence to non-Mountains if it uses Blazing Renewal on itself.
  • The game can get stuck when using Gift of Furious Might with Tempest of Leaves and Branches.